torsdag 14 mars 2013

Grand Prix

Yesterday night there was barbecue and live music in the bar here. Sadly I didn't see much of the live performance, but the trobadour guy started to play Good Riddance when I entered the room. I love moments like that. Nice night as well, talked to many people. My English has never been more fluent than it is right now. Not so strange as I talk more English than Swedish nowadays.

Today has been a hectic, but fun day. First I went to check out Grand Prix with two English guys and a German girl at my hostel. It's a really big F1 competition here in Melbourne right now. I'm not interested in cars and motors at all, but it was free to go today and it was much more funny than I expected. It was like being on a festival. There were cars in many different colors and shapes and some really crazy motorcycle riders. I don't know how they managed to do all those amazing tricks.

After Grand Prix I went to do the RSA course. For those of you who don't know, RSA stands for Responsible Serving of Alcohol or something like that. It's a course you have to do if you wanna get a job in a bar or restaurant in Australia. The course was easy, you can figure out most things when it comes to serving alcohol just by using your common sense. Now I'll hopefully have a higher chance of getting a job.

Tomorrow I have to get up early and change hostel temporarily. There are many people here because of the Grand Prix so it's hard to get a place to live.

If you're ever going to Australia I have some advice to give you:
1. Don't eat marmite, it tastes disgusting.
2. Don't ever go outdoors without sunlotion, not even if it's cloudy or if you're just going to be out for a short while. I did that today, which was stupid.


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